PinnedBooks I Can’t Stop Thinking About [a list]“If a man has his eyes bound, you can encourage him as much as you like to stare through the bandage, but he’ll never see anything.”Jul 28, 20223Jul 28, 20223
PinnedHere’s everything you need to know to understand ‘Circe’ like a pro.A comprehensive guide to how Madeline Miller’s ‘Circe’ fits into Greek Mythology.Aug 4, 2020Aug 4, 2020
Kevin Wilson’s ‘Now Is Not The Time To Panic’ [Book Reviews of 2025: №03]Frankie grows up in quiet and uneventful Coalfield. She meets Zeke, and together they create art that inspires and incites panic.Mar 8Mar 8
Emma Donoghue’s ‘Room’ [Book Reviews of 2025: №02]Jack was born and raised in a single locked Room. The only people he knows are his beloved mother and ‘Old Nick’ who comes in the night.Jan 30Jan 30
David Diop’s ‘At Night All Blood Is Black’ [Book Reviews of 2025: №01]A very dark and very depressing way to start 2025.Jan 25Jan 25
8 short story collections and anthologies (for your short attention span)While I admire the immersive experience that the author of a 600 page novel provides, the punchy and deliberate craft of short stories and…Aug 3, 2024Aug 3, 2024